Lenovo 开机卡屏



然后… 就没有然后了,按Enter也没有反应。F8, F12, F1都不管用。


后来想起来我这个有三年的上门服务呢。打电话给 Lenovo 的技术支持,接电话的小伙子听了我的说明,知道我已经在网上搜过各种解决办法都不好使以后,本来要派人上门来修理的。但后来改主意了,说这个应该是软件问题,来的人只能换个硬盘什么的。大概后来又去查了一下,说是 Windows 升级把 Boot 给弄坏了,可以自己修。给我发了个邮件,内容如下:

Quick Version: The updates broke the EFI (Boot) Partition on the NVMe drive ( or least severed the communication with the Windows boot Manager). Recreating the EFI partition resolves the issue and allows for the boot manager to work as expected.

Before you begin, you will need:

  • 1x 16+GB USB drive
  • The win10 ISO tool creator here
  • Access to the Bitlocker Recovery Key for the laptop in question if needed


  1. Install the Win 10 image onto the USB disk on a separate computer
  2. While powered off, boot into the USB drive ( you may need to a. disable secure boot in the BIOS. B. change the boot order to put the USB drive at the top).
  3. In the repair disk, do the following.
    1. Select troubleshoot – command prompt
    2. Once in the command prompt, type DISKPART
    3. Type LIST DISK, then SELECT DISK # ( Disk should be about 250GB in size)
    4. Type LIST PARTITION, then SELECT PARTITION # ( the # being the System partition under the size column of partition results)
    5. Then we will assign the Partition a drive letter Assign Letter =S (type “assign letter=S”)
    6. Type exit to leave diskpart
    7. Navigate to the S drive by typing S: 
    8. In S: type FORMAT S: /FS:FAT32 , then type Y x 2 to reformat the partition 注意:这里在输入两次Y,也就是Yes之前,还有一个问题,Enter current volume label for drive S:,我也不知道是啥啊,后来试了几次,原来就是那个System.
    9. Once that finishes, in the root of S: type BCDBOOT C:\Windows /s S: /f UEFI
    10. Type exit in the command prompt Select CONTINUE to Windows 10 in the Boot menu.

于是照猫画虎,先找到 Microsoft的 Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File)


有了这个,Lenovo 的笔记本就能开机了。当然要先通过F12进入BIOS,把BOOT的选项改成 USB。再开机,选择了语言、地区之后,就可以看到这个界面了。


选Command Prompt







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